Pulse Shooting OneOrlando Fund Claim Forms Deadline September 12, 2016 – for Deceased Victim, Injured Victim & Present at Pulse
OneOrlando Fund claim forms are now available online for deceased victims, injured victims and persons present at the Pulse nightclub shooting. Please be advised that the deadline to file a claim is September 12, 2016. The OneOrlando Fund Administrator intends to review all claims by September 26, 2016. It is recommended [...]
September is National Preparedness Month
Hurricane season is here. Do you have an emergency plan in the case of disaster? Take time to learn and prepare now by reviewing the City of Orlando's Emergency Management page and available resources. It takes a second for disaster to strike - be prepared. Call us today. #tellusyourstory #beregovichlaw
New Mexico high court urges judges to be discreet on social media
While Judges are not banned from judicial use of social media, online comments and befriending may be misconstrued by the public. The New Mexico Supreme Court’s opinion parallels the position expressed by the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Formal Ethics Opinion 462, issued Feb. 21, 2013. “A [...]
Your Network is Your Net Worth
You are not an island. Encourage yourself to extend yourself and to express yourself. Networking is important! read here.
Researchers Able to ‘Hack’ into Tesla’s Self-Driving Autopilot Feature
Tesla's autopilot feature is in the spotlight again as it experienced its first crash outside of the U.S. last week in Beijing, China. Tesla suffered its first autopilot fatality in Florida this past May. Researches have also stated that they have found a way to remotely hack the Tesla autopilot feature, [...]
Which State Has the Worst Drivers in the U.S.?
New research and data from SmartAsset points to states with the worst drivers living in the Southeast region in the United States. Read this article to see which state tops the list for worst drivers in the U.S. Are you surprised?
City of Orlando Adding New Bicycle-Friendly Routes
Bike share ridership in Orlando is up! The City of Orlando has made it easier for bicyclists and automobiles to co-exist by adding shared lanes. The "sharrows" are shared-lane roadway markings and have been added to Orlando Urban Trail to Cady Way Trail, Bike Share Station Connection and Gertrude’s Walk/Bike Share [...]
Burgers or Caviar? Do You Know the Level of Customer Service Your Lawyer is Serving?
No two law firms are the same. As a client, think about how many phone calls and messages you've left your lawyer. Do you get a call back? How quickly? Does your lawyer know who you are and what your case is about? Certainly, answers may vary. Nonetheless, in a market [...]