Medical Malpractice | Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice

Date Posted:

May 28, 2019

Post Author

Andres Beregovich

After years of watching women suffer at the hands of poorly regulated cosmetic surgery clinics in Florida, the state legislature is finally enacting some protections for consumers. Just this month, USA Today reported that the Florida State Legislature had passed legislation that would allow the state to punish plastic surgery facilities, shut down the worst offenders, and require the clinics to carry a minimum of $250,000 in medical malpractice insurance coverage.

Incredibly, this is the first law in Florida that even attempts to provide some kind of consumer protections for patients! In fact, it is due to that lack of regulation that Florida has become a magnet for unscrupulous cosmetic surgeons and spas.

The Beregovich Law Firm has been at the forefront of this fight, representing women who have been disfigured and injured by such clinics.

A Start, But Not A Solution

While the legislation is a step in the right direction, time will tell if it protects patients the way it was intended. There is always a possibility that clinics will find loopholes or that the state won’t adequately investigate facilities when an incident occurs.

One glaring omission from the legislation is a requirement to screen owners for criminal records. As it stands now, convicted felons can (and have!) open clinics where women have later died. There’s also a lack of oversight of the doctors performing the procedures, with many having been disciplined or cited for misconduct.

Our medical malpractice attorney, Andres Beregovich, had this to say about the legislation:

“We have a ways to go, but at least this is a start. I’m hopeful that this legislation will open consumers’ and lawmakers’ eyes to the flagrant disregard for patient safety at these clinics and will lead to better oversight and regulation of these facilities. Too many women have suffered at these clinics. It’s time to say enough is enough and get some strong protections in place for consumers. I plan to follow this issue closely and continue to advocate on behalf of patients.”   

Contact The Beregovich Law Firm With Medical Malpractice Questions

If you or a loved one has been injured at a cosmetic clinic or spa, contact The Beregovich Law Firm for advice. We work with people across the country who have been injured at Florida clinics and can advise you on your best course of action.

Call our firm at (800) 631-9009 or contact us online to discuss your situation confidentially.

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