Don’t Let Spring Fever Lead To An Auto Accident
Spring break is in full swing here in Florida. That means plenty of winter-weary travelers are hitting the highways in search of some fun in the sun. More drivers on the road, distracted drivers, drunk drivers, and even inexperienced drivers all up the chances of a car accident occurring. While even [...]
Personal Injury Can Take The Form Of Financial Loss As Well As Physical Injury
There's a common misconception that you must be physically injured by another party to file a personal injury or negligence lawsuit. That is not true. In legal terms, "injury" or "loss" can take many forms, including financial losses. We recently represented a client who lost over $100,000 worth of valuables from [...]
Must-Do Steps To Take After A Car Accident
No one expects to be involved in a car accident. Once the immediate shock wears off, chances are you'll be left wondering what to do. The actions you need to take after a car accident can be separated into two parts: The immediate aftermath of the accident and Post-accident What To [...]
Don’t Ignore These Common Signs Of Nursing Home Negligence
It's worrisome enough to trust a loved one's care to a stranger, but when those caregivers don't provide the care you expect, the situation can move from worrisome to alarming. Nursing home negligence is an all-too-common scenario that millions of seniors and their families deal with every year. As concerning as [...]
Is It Nursing Home Negligence Or Abuse?
If you have an elderly loved one in a nursing home or are at the point of considering nursing home care, you are no doubt concerned with all the stories you hear about nursing home negligence and even abuses that can occur in nursing homes. The statistics are alarming with some [...]
Daycare Accidents And Liability Waivers
Many parents who sign their children up for daycare are presented with a liability waiver before the child is accepted. These waivers are designed to protect the daycare from spurious lawsuits that may result from normal daycare accidents. When children are involved in more serious accidents, parents sometimes think they cannot sue [...]
Crucial Evidence That Helps Win Car Accident Lawsuits
Car accident lawsuits and insurance company payouts both help victims recover from the financial costs associated with an accident – such as property damage, medical bills due to injuries, or even lost wages. However, simply being in a car accident and bringing forth a lawsuit doesn't guarantee that you will receive [...]
The Beregovich Law Firm Represents Miami Bridge Collapse Victims
Investigation into the March 15, 2018 collapse of a pedestrian bridge at FIU-Sweetwater is still underway, but one thing is clear: six people died and several more were injured due to the bridge's failure. The Beregovich Law Firm is representing victims of the Miami bridge collapse with the intention of securing [...]