Guest’s Rights When Dealing with Bed Bugs in a Hotel
Landlords and hotel owners have a responsibility to provide clean, habitable accommodations for their visitors. That includes ensuring that the premises are always reasonably free of vermin such as bedbugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs can take up residence in even the finest hotel rooms - it is estimated that roughly 60 percent [...]
What Should You Do if You Have Been Bitten by Bed Bugs at a Florida Hotel?
It is a fairly common vacation horror story: you check into a hotel and lie back to get a good night’s rest, trusting that the establishment, for whose hospitality you are paying, has gone to all necessary lengths to ensure that their rooms are in a fit, clean and healthy state. [...]
Was Your Venous Ablation Surgery Really Necessary?
Venous ablation, or endovenous ablation, is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that is most commonly used to treat varicose veins or spider veins to reduce associated pain and swelling, leg fatigue, Restless Leg Syndrome, irritation, or even leg ulcers. The procedure uses radiofrequency or lasers to cauterize and close varicose veins. This [...]
Venous Stents and Medical Malpractice
Venous stenting has emerged as a popular treatment for narrow or blocked veins and arteries or conditions like May-Thurner Syndrome. During this procedure, a vascular surgeon places a tiny metal stent in the troubled vein, which then expands to hold the vein open to allow adequate blood flow. This type of [...]
Surgical Errors and Medical Malpractice
We are all familiar with the horror stories of medical malpractice in Florida. Oftentimes, those newsworthy cases focus on surgeries that disfigure the patient or ruin their quality of life, but the truth is it is the smaller, less flashy surgical errors that are most common – and they can be [...]
5 of the Most Common Daycare Injuries and When to Worry
As parents, we are willing to accept the fact that at some point, our kids will get hurt or injured. Skinned knees and elbows, bruises, and twisted ankles are par for the course of childhood. When injuries happen at a friend’s house or at home, we are more inclined to shrug [...]
Due Diligence Is A Must For Cosmetic Surgery Procedures In Florida
Florida has developed a reputation as the place to go for affordable cosmetic procedures. The state even has a strong medical tourism economy to show for it and Miami is at the heart of it all. But that reputation has come at an enormous cost. Time and time again we hear [...]
Robotic-Assisted Hysterectomies Are On The Rise, But Are They Safe?
There is a general belief that robotic-assisted medical procedures are safer than other surgical options. Part of this belief stems from the fact that robotic devices can target much smaller areas and treat conditions with more precision than a surgeon who uses handheld tools. Hysterectomies are one example of surgical procedures [...]