When Do You Need To Hire A Bed Bug Lawyer

Date Posted:

February 7, 2023

Post Author

Andres Beregovich


Bed bugs can be found even in the most prestigious and best-kept accommodation. Guests in hotels may experience property loss, bites, and even illness as a result of these pests. If you have suffered any of these personal injuries or losses, you should speak to a bed bug lawyer to learn your rights. 

Bed bug infestations can quickly get out of control, as the parasites can remain dormant for long periods, and can also easily travel from one hotel room to adjoining ones. It is therefore important that hotel managers take proactive steps to avert an infestation. If they do not, they may be liable for any damages their guests may suffer as a result. If they fail to take corrective or compensatory action when guests are affected by bed bugs, they can and should most definitely face legal action.

How To Know If You Have a Case

If you stay at a hotel, motel, or bed-and-breakfast in Miami and you feel bed bug bites, or discover them on your body, or have any other reason to believe that you have spent time in a bed bug-infested room, the first thing you need to do is inspect the room as thoroughly as possible. Take pictures of everything that might serve as evidence, including your bites, or any signs of nests in the bedding, mattress, corners and crevices. Depending on the content of these pictures, you may have a case. 

Miami Hotels Bed Bugs

Proving liability once you have your evidence is a matter that is best left to a personal injury attorney. If the hotel management knew about the bed bug infestation, or if they failed to take action once you reported it, they could be liable for their negligence. A bed bug lawyer’s discovery process will help to place liability where it belongs.

The Beregovich Law Firm is a personal injury law firm with offices in Miami, and Orlando, FL. We have recovered millions in damages across a multitude of personal injury cases, including bed bug bites. If you have experienced bed bugs in a hotel in Florida, book a consultation and speak to one of our bed bug lawyers.