Plastic Surgery

Legal Remedies for Botched Plastic Surgery: Exploring Your Options

August 8, 2023|Medical Malpractice, Plastic Surgery|

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular over the years, offering individuals the chance to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, despite the advancements in medical technology, there are instances where plastic surgery procedures can go awry, leading to serious physical and emotional consequences for the patient. When a plastic [...]

Due Diligence Is A Must For Cosmetic Surgery Procedures In Florida

August 19, 2020|Medical Malpractice, Plastic Surgery|

Florida has developed a reputation as the place to go for affordable cosmetic procedures. The state even has a strong medical tourism economy to show for it and Miami is at the heart of it all. But that reputation has come at an enormous cost. Time and time again we hear [...]

New Legislation Aims To Protect Patients From Uninsured Plastic Surgeons

September 27, 2019|Medical Malpractice, Plastic Surgery|

Florida has become a medical tourism hotspot, adding $6 billion to the state economy every year. It sounds like a boon for the state, but there is a dark side. A lack of consumer protections have led to an alarming situation where patients are suffering injuries, or even dying, after what [...]

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