Personal Injury

Daycare Negligence in Florida: Protecting Your Child’s Rights

July 2, 2024|Daycare Accidents, General|

Selecting a daycare for your child is an important decision. As parents, we rely on these places to offer safety and care to our little ones. Yet, negligence in daycare can happen, leading to danger for kids. It is important to know your legal protections and what to do if negligence [...]

Can You Sue a Hotel for Bed Bugs? Know Your Rights

May 7, 2024|Bed Bugs|

Have you ever asked yourself, "Can I sue a hotel for bed bug bites?" The answer to this question is yes. Bed bugs are not only troublesome creatures; they can also lead to severe allergies, skin infections, and significant emotional discomfort. When you go to a hotel, your basic expectation is [...]

Slip and Fall Accidents in Florida

March 11, 2024|Personal Injury|

In Florida, a slip and fall accident is one of the most prevalent categories of personal injury cases. These accidents happen when someone trips, falls, or slides on someone else's property due to dangerous circumstances, including damp flooring, uneven surfaces, or dim illumination. In these situations, the person hurt can be [...]

Bitten By Bed Bugs During A Stay At A Florida Hotel?

February 14, 2023|Bed Bugs|

Have you recently spent a night in a Florida hotel and experienced a bed bug infestation? This is not only an unpleasant experience; it can cause damage to property, as well as personal injury and disease. It is also something that hotel managers have a responsibility to prevent through proactive means. [...]

When do You need to Hire a Bed Bug Lawyer

February 7, 2023|Bed Bugs|

Bed bugs can be found even in the most prestigious and best-kept accommodation. Guests in hotels may experience property loss, bites, and even illness as a result of these pests. If you have suffered any of these personal injuries or losses, you should speak to a bed bug lawyer to learn [...]

Guest’s Rights When Dealing with Bed Bugs in a Hotel

January 10, 2023|Bed Bugs|

Landlords and hotel owners have a responsibility to provide clean, habitable accommodations for their visitors. That includes ensuring that the premises are always reasonably free of vermin such as bedbugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs can take up residence in even the finest hotel rooms - it is estimated that roughly 60 percent [...]

What Should You Do if You Have Been Bitten by Bed Bugs at a Florida Hotel?

December 13, 2022|Bed Bugs|

It is a fairly common vacation horror story: you check into a hotel and lie back to get a good night’s rest, trusting that the establishment, for whose hospitality you are paying, has gone to all necessary lengths to ensure that their rooms are in a fit, clean and healthy state. [...]

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