Andres Beregovich

Car ‘Accident’ or Car ‘Crash’? Advocates Push to Change Semantics

July 20, 2016|Car Accidents|

Historically, state statutes governing roadway negligence by default use the word 'accidents' to describe roadway incidents. However, safety advocates are pushing legislatures to stop trivializing the word 'accident' by recognizing that most traffic collisions are caused by human error, and, therefore, should be referred to as 'crashes.' Almost all crashes stem [...]

Suze Orman and U.S. Army Reserve Command team up to provide soldiers with financial saavy

July 14, 2016|General|

Support our troops! Suze Orman, renowned financial expert, and Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley, chief of Army Reserve and commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command are devoted to strengthening soldiers' financial goals through informational videos, town hall discussions, barracks visits and publications by signing a four-year gratuitous services agreement. What have [...]

Court at The Hague issues harsh maritime law decision rejecting China’s claim to South China Sea

July 12, 2016|General|

An unprecedented legal decision was handed down by a permanent tribunal at The Hague, rejecting Beijing's controversial territorial claims to the South China Sea. The ruling was based on the United Nations conventions on maritime law is considered legally binding. This case and long-awaited maritime law decision precludes China the right [...]

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