Urogynecology Medical Malpractice Help From The Beregovich Law Firm

Date Posted:

April 22, 2020

Post Author

Andres Beregovich

Urogynecologists are physicians who specialize in the treatment and care of the female pelvic organs, tissues, and muscles, including the treatment of common pelvic floor disorders such as an overactive bladder, stress urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic floor prolapse. Treatment options vary, depending on the condition and its severity, and may include surgical solutions as well as non-surgical treatments. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 3 women will experience at least one of these conditions in their lifetime.

Surgical treatments may include the use of vaginal mesh or reconstructive surgery to support pelvic organs. Although these treatments are intended to help women, sometimes they do the opposite and cause additional harm.

Urogynecology Medical Malpractice Cases Often Involve Other Organs and Systems

Areas in which we see the most instances of urogynecology medical malpractice or medical negligence involve the use of transvaginal mesh and hysterectomies, but these procedures in and of themselves aren’t always the problem that leads to a medical malpractice lawsuit. More often than not, it is damage to other organs or infections that occur due to the procedure that first tip-off patients that something is wrong and eventually form the basis of a medical malpractice or negligence case.

Issues such as infection, pain, bleeding, and a worsening or recurrence of symptoms may be the first sign that all is not right. When something like this happens, women should speak with their doctor, and possibly another doctor to get a second opinion, and also with a medical malpractice attorney. The doctors can examine the symptoms and treat the problem while the medical malpractice attorney can examine the evidence and determine if there are grounds for a malpractice or negligence case.

Medical Malpractice Cases Protect Future Patients

Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit isn’t vindictive. Some women are wary of proceeding with a lawsuit because they believe the situation was entirely accidental, but that isn’t always the case. Filing a lawsuit helps the victim recoup medical costs, lost wages, and other damages due to their injury, but it also shines a spotlight on medical procedures and devices to ascertain their safety. This can help prevent similar types of injuries from occurring in the future, and it can get unsafe physicians out of the surgical ward.

We have already seen evidence of how malpractice cases can impact procedures in transvaginal mesh cases, with some products being pulled from the market because of the number of complaints from patients. If no one ever complained, the devices would never have been investigated, and thousands of more women could be suffering today.

Even if you aren’t sure you have an urogynecology medical malpractice case, it never hurts to have your situation examined by an impartial legal advisor. The Beregovich Law Firm is that advisor. We help women throughout Florida take a deep look at their urogynecological complaints to make sure they were treated appropriately and safely.

If you have had a urogynecological procedure done and suffered further injury or distress because of it, contact The Beregovich Law Firm with offices in Orlando and Miami to arrange a free consultation. Call (800) 631-9009 or contact us online to share your story.

Photo by Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

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