The decision to put a loved one in a nursing home is difficult and emotional. It’s tough enough to admit you need help to care for a spouse, parent, or sibling but it’s even worse when the facility that you trusted to provide that support fails you and your loved one.
Nursing home negligence and abuse remains a problem in the U.S. and it can happen to anyone regardless of income, race, or gender.
Nursing home abuse and/or negligence can take many forms from outright physical abuse to mental and emotional abuse, fraud and identity theft, and simple neglect or withholding of care. Illness, injury, and even death can result. If you are concerned that your loved one’s situation is the result of nursing home negligence or elder abuse, you do have legal recourse.

State Statute Protects Residents’ Rights
Florida State Statute 400 provides guidance and oversight of nursing homes and similar facilities in the state. It also states that nursing home residents are entitled to a basic set of rights including, but not limited to:
Protecting Those Unable To Care For Themselves
The elderly and infirm are prone to injury and illness; even moreso if they require nursing home placement. In many of these situations, residents are simply incapable of caring for themselves and must rely on the care provided by the facility. When that care is lacking or fails, abuse or negligence may be a factor. The Beregovich Law Firm represents nursing home residents and their families in cases of suspected negligence, elder abuse, and/or wrongful death. We fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Speak With A Nursing Home Attorney Today
Just because a person becomes injured while under the care of a nursing home doesn’t mean abuse or neglect has occurred. That’s why it is so important to consult a qualified nursing home attorney. The Beregovich Law Firm will examine the facts of the situation to uncover the truth of what occurred. We help nursing home residents and their families obtain compensation for injuries or deaths that have occurred, but also help bring to light the abusive practices or neglectful care of a nursing home so other families can avoid a similar situation.
If you believe you or a loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse or neglect, contact The Beregovich Law Firm in Florida at (800) 631-9009 or contact us to discuss your situation.