Venous ablation and venous stenting are utilized to treat diagnoses such as spider veins, venous insufficiency, venous reflux, and major varicosities ( varicose veins). Venous ablation and venous stenting procedures are governed by the Florida Administrative code of the Department of State for Medicine.
Did you seek medical treatment at Interventional Cardiology and Vascular Consultants, PLLC, at any time during the years of 2014-present?
Venous ablation and venous stenting are utilized to treat diagnoses such as spider veins, venous insufficiency, venous reflux, and major varicosities ( varicose veins). Venous ablation and venous stenting procedures are governed by the Florida Administrative code of the Department of State for Medicine.( Rule:64B8-0.009) A surgeon is bound to follow these regulations to comply with the Standards of Care for Office Surgery. Venous ablation and venous stenting procedures are considered Level II office surgeries according to these regulations. As such, physicians performing treatment must be licensed and registered by the Department of Health for the protection and safety of patients.
Ancillary medical personnel, such as ultrasound technicians or other medical staff, are not permitted to perform these procedures. There are civil and criminal implications associated with medical procedures performed by someone other than a licensed physician. There are legal consequences for false documentation in medical records for fraudulent insurance billing. Examples are the documentation of nonsurgical measures such as compression stockings even though none had been used as an intervention or falsified ultrasound results.
Did you undergo venous ablation for venous insufficiency?
Venous ablation is a medical procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to cauterize (burn) and close veins for various reasons. Examples are cosmetic use for spider veins and the treatment of painful and unsightly varicose veins. The venous ablation procedure is performed inside the vein, using heat from a laser or radiofrequency energy to damage and close off a vein. It is performed without direct visualization. Instead, a needle with a wire and thin tube (catheter) is inserted into a vein using imaging guidance.
Venous ablation is promoted as a convenient and effective minimally invasive procedure with little downtime and performed in a medical office setting. However, there may be long-term complications associated with treatment, such as pain, the formation of blood clots, infections, burns, changes in skin color, numbness, and nerve damage due to the thermal treatment.
Venous stents are metal mesh tubes that expand obstructed or narrowed vein walls to keep the veins open. They are used to facilitate adequate blood flow in damaged and scarred veins from repeated venous ablation treatments or for blood clots. Some other conditions that may benefit from this procedure include Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Post-Thrombotic Syndrome, May-Thurner Syndrome, Nutcracker Syndrome, and Hemodialysis/Arteriovenous fistulae.
Venous stents are metal mesh tubes that expand obstructed or narrowed vein walls to keep the veins open. They are used to facilitate adequate blood flow in damaged and scarred veins from repeated venous ablation treatments or for blood clots. Some other conditions that may benefit from this procedure include Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Post-Thrombotic Syndrome, May-Thurner Syndrome, Nutcracker Syndrome, and Hemodialysis/Arteriovenous fistulae.